Friday, April 22, 2016

Our Vegetarian Summer

Starting in June we are going to attempt to have a vegetarian summer. Why, you may ask.  Well, there are three reasons.  The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints suggests that people should eat meat, "only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine." (D&C 89:13).  It is a part of the "Word of Wisdom" that is pretty much universally ignored by members of the LDS church.  Why would it be there, though, if it didn't have some benefit for those who practice it?  So we want to try it, that is, only eating meat in winter (not in summer) and see if there is some benefit.

The second and third reasons are why most people choose vegetarianism.  It is better for the environment and the food supply to eat lower on the food chain. It takes much less resources, for example, to grow and eat corn directly, than to grow corn, feed it to a cow, and then eat the cow.  Finally, there is something appealing in the idea of non-harming.  Why do we want to kill another animal so we can eat, when we really can eat just plants and do OK.

I want to document our experiment, sharing recipes and experiences.  I am not going to be militant about this.  If we go to eat at someone's  house, and they offer us meat, we will eat it, no problem.  I am just not going to buy and cook meat myself.  We will continue to eat milk and eggs.

So, Here we go. Wish me luck.

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